Arachnomancy Cards







Arachnomancy Cards

Tomás Saraceno, Arachnomancy Cards, 2019 (detail). Deck of 33 cards printed on carbon footprint neutral paper. Card’s drawings and reinterpretation based on Duncan, W. (1949). Webs In The Wind. New York: The Ronald Press Company and  Bristowe, W. S. (1958). The World of Spiders. London: Collins; Curtis, William, 1746-1799; Marbury, Elizabeth, 1856-1933, donor; Vollrath, F. 1988. Untangling the spider’s web. Trends Ecol. Evol. 3(12): 331–335.

Arachnomancy Cards

Tomás Saraceno, Arachnomancy Cards, 2019 (detail). Deck of 33 cards printed on carbon footprint neutral paper. Card’s drawings and reinterpretation based on Duncan, W. (1949). Webs In The Wind. New York: The Ronald Press Company and  Bristowe, W. S. (1958). The World of Spiders. London: Collins; Curtis, William, 1746-1799; Marbury, Elizabeth, 1856-1933, donor; Vollrath, F. 1988. Untangling the spider’s web. Trends Ecol. Evol. 3(12): 331–335.

Arachnomancy Cards

Tomás Saraceno, Arachnomancy Cards, 2019 (detail). Deck of 33 cards printed on carbon footprint neutral paper. Card’s drawings and reinterpretation based on Duncan, W. (1949). Webs In The Wind. New York: The Ronald Press Company and  Bristowe, W. S. (1958). The World of Spiders. London: Collins; Curtis, William, 1746-1799; Marbury, Elizabeth, 1856-1933, donor; Vollrath, F. 1988. Untangling the spider’s web. Trends Ecol. Evol. 3(12): 331–335.

Arachnomancy Cards

Tomás Saraceno, Arachnomancy Cards, 2019. Installation view of the Spider/Web Pavilion 7 at the 58th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, 2019, Venice, Italy, curated by Ralph Rugoff. 




2019, 58th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy · Curated by Ralph Rugoff


The Arachnomancy Cards are an invitation to attune to our sympoietic futures, celebrating the radical interconnectedness of all things, both living and nonliving. The deck of 33 cards, exploring topics from Invertebrate Rights to Climate Eviction, were first created in 2018 to appear in exhibition, ON AIR, curated by Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel within the Palais de Tokyo, in Paris, and were subsequently further developed for Spider/Web Pavilion 7 as part of May You Live In Interesting Times curated by Ralph Rugoff at the 58th International Biennale Arte in Venice in 2019.

The cards are an instrument of mediation, one of the many ways to consult spider/web oracles. Spider/webs are the mouths through which the spider eats and the oracle speaks. The oracle is a messenger between perceptual worlds, transcending the reciprocal blindness between life forms. Spider/webs weave worlds of vibration in tune to the astral scores. Sense new threads of connectivity, or else face the eternal silence of extinction. As life draws lines on your hands, so the spider draws lines on your future. The Arachnomancy reading is written through the silken threads of the spider/web.

Spider/Web Pavilion Nr. 1 MULTIVERSE

Gravitational waves resounding the cosmic web, yet to be felt. Infinite sensing of the world, lifeforms weave constellations. Close your eyes, cover your ears, I will still sense your felt vibrations.

Suit: Diving Bell Spider/Web
Species: Argyroneta aquatica
Notation: D
Plant: Sphagnum cuspidatum

Spider/Web Pavilion Nr. 8 INVERTEBRATE RIGHTS

Indirect sunlight, window slightly open and angular geometries. Heterarchical communities of social spiders tangled in a maze. This is the 90% asking for the right to weave in between our borders. For more synanthropic futures, at-ten(t)sion to invertebrate rights!

Suit: Hybrid Spider/Web
Species: Theridion mysteceum + Cyrtophora citricola
Notation: A
Plant: Amorpha fruticosa


Weaving in the world wide web, the bluish light of multiple screens, data mining and behavioural markets. Something or someone watches you while you make choices, guess which paths are you walking without knowing it.

Suit: www
Species: Human-trained algorithms
Notation: A
Plant: Datacenter Infrastructure

Spider/Web Pavilion Nr. 18 CLIMATE EVICTION

In drought or flood, in the sea or in the air, escaping from the consequences of a blind domination. In the city of burning houses, every moving body is a nomad. Ask
to those who possess better senses what is the direction.

Suit: Aerial Collective Sheet Spider/Web
Species: Prinerigone vagans
Notation: D
Plant: Picea excelsa

Arachnomancy App





Through the Arachnomancy App (iOS/Android) created by Studio Tomás Saraceno, you are invited to receive an oracle reading based on the digital version of the Arachnomancy Cards.  Understanding spider/webs as nonhuman pavilions that transcend national representation, the App extends the Arachnocene from the Venice Biennale to your own garden. Summon the oracle by sharing photos of spider/webs you encounter, and unlock an Archnomancy Reading communicated beyond human language. Based on spider vibrational communication, your reading is composed of seismic signals produced and received on actual spider/webs from the Arachnophilia Archives. Revisit your reading and share images with friends by accessing your Oracle Archive.




