Cosmic Threads
Aerocene Seoul
Live(s) on Air
Corona Australis 38.39
Life(s) of Webs
Cloud Cities: mise-en-Aéroscène
Tomás Saraceno in collaboration: Web(s) of Life
Crux Australis 68.0
Entangled Air
Oceans of Air
Silent Autumn
Aerocene: Free the Air. “Orbit-s” For a Post-Fossil Fuel Era
Particular Matter(s)
Inter + Play 2
Zonal Harmonic Constellation 170,000; 220,000
we do not all breathe the same air
Du sol au soleil
Webs of Life
Museo Aero Solar: for an Aerocene era
How to hear the universe in a spider/web: A live concert for/by invertebrate rights
Life(s) of Webs, publication launch at Palazzo Ducale
Songs for the Air
Moving Atmospheres
In Conversation: Tomás Saraceno
Event Horizon
Art Collaboration Kyoto, Online Artist Talk with Tomás Saraceno
Aerocene Forum
Who qualifies as a Subject of Rights? We no longer want to be a sacrifice zone!
Reparationen und Reparatur. Über Klimagerechtigkeit, Kolonialismus und Kapitalozän
7×7 2024
Life(s) of Webs, Panel Discussion and Film Screening
Aerocircus – eine circensische karnevaleske mit planwagen entgegen aller linearitäten
“The Crisis of Relationships” Masterclass
The Climate Hub, Climate Week NYC, Panel Discussion
Infinite Ecologies Marathon: The Prelude
Towards an Ecosocial Energy Transition: A Conversation and Manifesto
BBC HARDtalk Interview
Fly with Aerocene Pacha
Matter(s) for Conversation and Action
Tomás Saraceno
Drift: A cosmic web of thermodynamic rhythms
Cloud Cities: du sol au soleil
Cloud Cities Barcelona
Silent Autumn
Ha Chi Ki
Tomás Saraceno
Lignes de possibles: Arachnophilia with Tomás Saraceno at the Festival La Manufacture d’idées
Interspecies Conversations
The Art of Noticing – Louisiana Channel Interviews Tomás Saraceno
Avec qui venez-vous? Vinciane Despret in conversation with Tomás Saraceno
Prototype of Maratus volans (peacock spider), Web of Life (2020) | for a real Augmented Reality
Invertebrate Rights for “Down to Earth”
Radio Galena
Free the Air: Aerocene – Tomás Saraceno holds keynote speech at Herald Design Forum
Up Close: Tomás Saraceno in conversation with Harriet A. Washington
Tomás Saraceno. Aria at Cinema Odeon
Cosmic Filaments
Solar Rhythms
Spider/Web Pavilion 7
Arachnomancy Cards
Acqua Alta: en Clave de Sol
On the Disappearance of Clouds
Arachnophilia Community Meeting with MIT Professor Markus J Buehler
Sundial for Spatial Echoes
Tomás Saraceno at the Venice Biennale 2019
2-Dimensional Webs Archive/Maps and Traces
Entangled Orbits
Gravitational Waves
Event Horizon
A Thermodynamic Imaginary
Beyond the Cradle 2019: Space and the Arts
Engadin Art Talks: Grace and Gravity
Art Basel Miami – Albedo | Hans Ulrich Obrist in conversation with Tomás Saraceno
Solar Bell Ensemble
How to entangle the universe in a spider/web?
Printed Matter(s)
Webs of At-tent(s)ion
“ON AIR live with…”
Many suns and worlds
The Politics of Solar Rhythms: Cosmic Levitation
Living at the bottom of the ocean of air
Sounding the Air
Spider/Web Oracle Readings Program
163,000 Light Years
Passages of Time
Particular Matter(s) Jam Session
Our Interplanetary Bodies
How to Entangle the Universe in a Spider Web
Aerocene at the Antarctic Biennale
Aerosolar Journeys
Dark Cosmic Web
Stillness in Motion — Cloud Cities
Cloud Cities
Cloud City
Hybrid solitary… semi-social quintet… on cosmic webs…
Cosmic Jive: The Spider Sessions
Becoming Aerosolar
Hybrid Webs
Irisdescent Planet
Arachnid Orchestra. Jam Sessions
Solar Bell
Ring Bell — Solar Orchestra and the Wind Structures
On the Roof: Cloud City
On Space Time Foam
Air-Port-City/Cloud Cities
Cloudy Dunes. When Friedman Meets Bucky on Air-Port-City
Tomás Saraceno’s Cloud Cities and Solar Balloon Travel – Interview with The Creators Project
14 Billions (Working Title)
Moving Beyond Materiality – MIT Visiting Artist Tomás Saraceno
Observatory, Air-Port-City
In Orbit
Aerocene at COP21
Cloud Cities Connectome
From Camogli to San Felipe, spiders weaving stars…
Galaxies Forming along Filaments, like Droplets along the Strands of a Spider’s Web
Cloudy House
Lighter than Air
Microscale, Macroscale, and Beyond: Large-Scale Implications of Small-Scale Experiments
Poetic Cosmos of the Breath
Cloud Cities Barcelona
When clouds appear like rocks and towers, the Earth’s refreshed with frequent showers.
If spiders break off and remove their webs, the weather will soon be wet.
Stable climates might be granted if souls remain open to webbed encounters.
For millennia, humans have looked to the clouds and the behaviours of plants and animals to predict collective futures, finding messages hidden in their changing shapes and habits. Yet, in the context of the Capitalocene, the knowledge of entire ecosystems is being threatened and clouds are disappearing, replaced by toxic plumes of pollution and digital misinformation. Can an observatory in the 21st century, with its distant gaze, sense within and imagine something other than clouds in the shape of castles in the sky?
Opening on May 20th, 2022, Cloud Cities Barcelona, by Tomás Saraceno, invites participants into a space of communal encounter, discourse and critical speculation, suspended at a height of over 130 meters over the city of Barcelona and housed in the 360° observation deck of Mirador torre Glòries.
“Like droplets of water condensing along the strands of a spider’s web, cosmic and terrestrial clouds form: Clouds of neighbourhoods of gentrification; Stratocumulus entangled in webs of life; Cirrus threads of connection; Cumulus in extinction; Stratus is stillness in motion; Altostrati unlearn what we have learned; Clouds of spider/webs above Sagrada Família move from arachnophobia to Arachnophilia; Mama clouds to fall asleep; Altocumulus floats in the infinity of breath while Nimbuses are fish swimming in the air; Cloud dreams of fairer weathers… “
–Tomás Saraceno
Cloud Cities Barcelona occupies an area of 130m³ and is composed of 113 cloud spaces made of 5000 nodes connecting 6km of tensile cables. Moving through the air at a height between 4 and 10m relative to the floor, or becoming enveloped by the atmosphere of the cupola’s apex, participants can open to a novel sensory experience that converts this observatory into a suspended realm from which to look inwards and outwards, to gather and dialogue, immersed in the multiplicity of worlds made manifest in the changing shapes of passing clouds. Wandering along three paths of varying levels of complexity, participants can pause to find a rotating selection of books, in an invitation to inhabit shared time and consider alternative constellations of the urban public sphere, speculative architectures, the environmental crisis, and the entangled web of life.
In the midst of climate emergency, war, global pandemics, racial-ecocidal capitalism, social exclusion, and the proliferation of clouds of pollution and misinformation, “Cloud Cities” is a proposal for a common imaginary for an ethical re-alliance with the environment, the planet and the cosmic web beyond anthropocentrism, his cloud-shaped sculptures, reminiscent of the geometric Weaire-Phelan structure of foam and soap bubbles, act as an invitation to engage from diverse bearings, where there is neither up nor down, no inside or outside, and all is floating. As part of this series, Cloud Cities Barcelona challenges the verticality of the observatory’s distant gaze through alternative geometries of togetherness, so as to suspend social distances and collectively consider the multi-scalar threads of relation that weave our shared but threatened world and bind our interdependent fates.
For more than two decades, Saraceno has been imagining and activating a world free from fossil fuels, in collaboration with spiders and their webs, situated forms of knowledge, and with the vibrant superorganism that is the cosmic web, building an artistic practice of unprecedented variety and scale. Informed by the groundbreaking long-term research and curiosity of the international and interdisciplinary Aerocene and Arachnophilia communities, founded by Saraceno, Cloud Cities Barcelona invites participants into a porous cloudscape of tensions in suspension, to engage in collective critical reflections, activate zones of emergence and reconsider worldwide networks of care.
Create your own cities of the air and explore Cloud Cities Barcelona at cloudcities.org.
Cloud Cities Barcelona Public Program
On May 20th, the first of a series of free moderated conversations will take place with renowned architects, curators, activists, and local thinkers to explore key issues around urban public spheres, the environmental crisis, speculative architectures, terrestrial and cosmic clouds and webs of life. The conversations will be moderated by Joseph Grima and Tomás Saraceno and will begin at 18:30 at Mirador torre Glòries.
Cloud Cities Barcelona Library
In addition, floating inside Cloud Cities Barcelona, find a rotating selection of books to consider together alternative constellations of the urban public sphere, speculative architectures, the environmental crisis, and the entangled web of life. Read more about the rotating library of Cloud Cities Barcelona.
Cloud Cities Barcelona Publication
Edited by Space Caviar and Studio Tomás Saraceno, a publication stemming from the Cloud Cities Barcelona Public Program will be released in the first half of 2023. Through a series of conversations, short texts, visual documentation and historical references, it will provide an expanded window into Saraceno’s ongoing interest in the cultural and scientific value of clouds, situating the artwork within his broader artistic output. This publication will mirror the communal contemplations, dialogues, and critical reflections that emerge within Cloud Cities Barcelona, weaving many of the social, architectural and environmental challenges posed by cities today.