Life(s) of Webs
Live(s) on Air
Tomás Saraceno in collaboration: Web(s) of Life
Oceans of Air
Silent Autumn
Drift: A cosmic web of thermodynamic rhythms
Aerocene: Free the Air. “Orbit-s” For a Post-Fossil Fuel Era
Cloud Cities Barcelona
Matter(s) for Conversation and Action
Particular Matter(s)
From Arachnophobia to Arachnophilia
Inter + Play 2
Ha Chi Ki
we do not all breathe the same air
Lignes de possibles: Arachnophilia with Tomás Saraceno at the Festival La Manufacture d’idées
Du sol au soleil
Webs of Life
Museo Aero Solar: for an Aerocene era
Interspecies Conversations
Avec qui venez-vous? Vinciane Despret in conversation with Tomás Saraceno
Prototype of Maratus volans (peacock spider), Web of Life (2020) | for a real Augmented Reality
Radio Galena
The Art of Noticing – Louisiana Channel Interviews Tomás Saraceno
Free the Air: Aerocene – Tomás Saraceno holds keynote speech at Herald Design Forum
Up Close: Tomás Saraceno in conversation with Harriet A. Washington
How to hear the universe in a spider/web: A live concert for/by invertebrate rights
Songs for the Air
Moving Atmospheres
Event Horizon
Fly with Aerocene Pacha
Invertebrate Rights for “Down to Earth”
Spider/Web Pavilion 7
Arachnomancy Cards
Acqua Alta: en Clave de Sol
On the Disappearance of Clouds
Tomás Saraceno. Aria at Cinema Odeon
Sundial for Spatial Echoes
2-Dimensional Webs Archive/Maps and Traces
Tomás Saraceno at the Venice Biennale 2019
Arachnophilia Community Meeting with MIT Professor Markus J Buehler
Beyond the Cradle 2019: Space and the Arts
Engadin Art Talks: Grace and Gravity
How to entangle the universe in a spider/web?
Printed Matter(s)
Webs of At-tent(s)ion
Art Basel Miami – Albedo | Hans Ulrich Obrist in conversation with Tomás Saraceno
The Politics of Solar Rhythms: Cosmic Levitation
Living at the bottom of the ocean of air
Sounding the Air
“ON AIR live with…”
Spider/Web Oracle Readings Program
Passages of Time
Particular Matter(s) Jam Session
Solar Rhythms
A Thermodynamic Imaginary
Hybrid Webs
How to Entangle the Universe in a Spider Web
Silent Autumn
Gravitational Waves
Our Interplanetary Bodies
Aerosolar Journeys
Stillness in Motion — Cloud Cities
163,000 Light Years
Tomás Saraceno’s Cloud Cities and Solar Balloon Travel – Interview with The Creators Project
Cloud Cities Barcelona: Rotating Selection of Books
Cosmic Jive: The Spider Sessions
Solar Bell
In Orbit
Ring Bell — Solar Orchestra and the Wind Structures
Moving Beyond Materiality – MIT Visiting Artist Tomás Saraceno
On the Roof: Cloud City
On Space Time Foam
Cloud Cities
14 Billions (Working Title)
Galaxies Forming along Filaments, like Droplets along the Strands of a Spider’s Web
Observatory, Air-Port-City
Poetic Cosmos of the Breath
Flying Garden/Air-Port-City
Born from collective concern for environmental justice and interspecies cohabitation, the permanent installation Movement, created by Tomás Saraceno with Aerocene for Ruinart, highlights the urgency of the climate challenges we are facing in a call to free the air from fossil fuels. Created during a performance in the Champagne region, the artwork draws the power of the elements, reminding us that the air belongs to everyone.
Lifted only by the air and sun and moved by the wind, this augmented reality Aeroglyphic sculpture will be formed by a site-specific trajectory made with the Aerocene Backpack. Movement builds momentum for expanding our environmental imaginaries, leaving a poetic trace in the sky above Maison Ruinart and its vineyard that visitors can see using the Aerocene App. To trace the paths of Aerocenic activity is to acknowledge the non-human mediation at play within the spheres above.
“To be aware of the air is to be sensitive to the environment, to be aware of an element that sustains life, transmits, and carries. Naturally, air evades the senses, occasionally felt as a breeze against the skin, and only rarely made visible as vapour or smog.
Yet, this visibility means the air no longer escapes empirical perception; its natural invisibility has been compromised as humans have increasingly industrialised. Oceans have become filled with debris, the Earth has been covered with concrete, energy is the source of political conflict, and the air absorbs pollutants from every source. This is what is found in the Anthropocene–the proposed geological epoch that commences when human action became the dominant force transforming the environment.
This calls for a new era, a new way of living and relating, independent from fossil fuels, a move into Aerocene – the age of air. Moving in Aerocene is to float following winding trajectories, guided by the wind and propelled by thermal air currents, becoming buoyant only by the heat of the sun.”
―Tomás Saraceno
This augmented reality sculpture marks the first of a series of international Movements.
Trace the paths of augmented reality Movements inside the Aerocene App.
Download for free on the App Store or Google Play.