Webs of At-tent(s)ion is a constellation of three-dimensional sculptures interwoven by unrelated spider species. In these hybrid webs, different sensory worlds collide to create speculative architectures, encouraging the imagination of interspecies relations, communication and cooperation. Individual threads and sensory worlds combine to form a floating landscape, materialising the multiple entanglements and connections between spiders and their living connections with humans and non-humans alike, together within ecosystems. The webs are like a musical instrument through which earthly and cosmic tremors resound.
These spider/webs are an extension of the spider’s senses – becoming its ears, eyes and mouth – while at the same time providing a home for their body. Through the filaments, spiders send and receive vibrations, and perhaps even thoughts: they offer a way for these creatures to connect to the world. Some of these spider/webs are amplified with special microphones, allowing us to listen to the rhythm of their vibrations and inviting us to take part to this interspecies ensemble, as a way to shift our attention to worlds in tension and suspension. In doing so, we could attune to nonhuman voices that join with our own in endless webs of connectivity. The installation, thus, challenges the idea of a hierarchical tree of life, and proposes hybridities between and among species and worlds.
Agelena labyrinthica (Berlin)
Anelosimus studiosus (USA, donated by Angela Chuang)
Araneus diadematus (Berlin)
Araniella cucurbitina (Berlin)
Argiope bruennichi (Berlin)
Argiope lobata (Croatia)
Badumna longinqua (Argentina, donated by Martin Ramirez. Originally from Australia)
Cyrtophora citricola (Croatia / United States, some donated by Angela Chuang)
Cyrtophora sp. (China, donated by Peter Jäger)
Cyclosa conica (Berlin)
Enoplognatha ovata (Berlin)
Eratigena atrica (Berlin)
Fecenia sp. (China, donated by Peter Jäger)
Holocnemus pluchei (Paris / Croatia / Berlin)
Larinioides sclopetarius (Berlin)
Latrodectus geometricus (Germany)
Linyphia triangularis (Berlin)
Linyphiidae sp. (Berlin / Croatia)
Nephila edulis (Germany. Originally from Australia)
Nephila inaurata (UK. Originally from Africa)
Nephila senegalensis (Germany, donated by Jutta Schneider. Originally from Africa)
Neriene clathrata (Berlin)
Neriene peltata (Berlin)
Parawixia bistriata (Argentina)
Philoponella alata (China, donated by Peter Jäger)
Psechrus jaegeri (China, donated by Peter Jäger)
Steatoda grossa (Berlin)
Steatoda triangulosa (Berlin)
Tegenaria domestica (Berlin)
Theridiidae sp. (Berlin / China, some donated by Peter Jäger)
Uloborus plumipes (Berlin)
Zygiella x-notata (Berlin)